Laronkarn was originally created to support the regulatory affairs of the production of animal and bird repellents produced by Sphere. Therefore, when Sphere started to take off back in the mid 1970’s Laronkarn played a major role in helping promote the new liquid formulation of Curb Liquid Crop Spray.
To continue selling Animal and Bird Repellents a Dossier has to be prepared under the Plant Protection Products (PPP) 1107/2009 Directive EU and to be submitted to a Competent Authority. It was a natural progression for Laronkarn to expand into further Regulatory consultancy. Laronkarn was extremely fortunate to procure the services of Bob Nicholls who has extensive experience with PPPs, Biocides (EU Directive 98/8/EC and from 1st September 2013 528/2012) and REACH (EU Regulation 1907/2006).
His experience spans 18 years of efficacy trials work with a major Agro-chemical/Oil company, 12 years of Registration with an Agricultural manufacturer and the following 13 years as a Regulatory Consultant Specialist.
Bob’s wealth of experience in compiling Agro-chemicals, Biocides and latterly REACh dossiers together with the assistance of the dedicated team that Laronkarn has built up to support these activities means that today, Laronkarn is a well respected and efficient company.